33 - M. Night Shyamalan season: The Happening

M. Night Shyamalan season:
Part 1: "Unbreakable"
Part 2: "The Village"
Part 3: "The Happening"


Released 16/01/2017

This classic episode is in the Diminishing Returns vault. Sign up to our Patreon for as little as £1 to access our back-catalogue episodes!

The third part of any trilogy is almost always the weakest, but in this, the conclusion of the Diminishing Returns M. Night Shyamalan season, we continue to buck trends with, quite possibly, the strongest episode in the series - well, it's because it's more fun to complain about bad films than praise the good ones, isn't it?

Though the focus of this episode and its sequel pitches are on The Happening, it also covers The Lady in the Water, The Last Airbender, Devil, After Earth, The Visit and the upcoming Split.

Films covered in this episode:

The Lady in the Water
Allen: ✰ ✰ ✰
Calvin: ✰
Sol: ✰ ✰
Overall score: 40%

The Happening
Allen: ½
Calvin: ½
Sol: ✰ ½
Overall score: 17%

The Last Airbender
Allen: ✰ ✰
Calvin: ✰
Sol: ✰
Overall score: 27%

Allen: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Calvin: ✰ ✰ ✰
Sol: ✰ ✰ ½
Overall score: 64%

After Earth
Allen: ✰ ✰ ½
Calvin: ✰ ✰
Sol: ✰ ✰ ½
Overall score: 47%

The Visit
Allen: ✰ ✰ ✰ ½
Calvin: ✰ ✰ ✰
Sol: ✰ ✰ ✰ ½
Overall score: 67%

Episodes covering the work of M. Night Shyamalan:
M. Night Shyamalan season: Unbreakable"
"M. Night Shyamalan season: The Village"
"M. Night Shyamalan season: The Happening"

We review Split in:
Review of the Year 2017: Part 1"

Allen's review of Split

Cut material from this episode's recording session can be heard in:
So It's Come to This: A Diminishing Returns Outtakes Show"